Sunday, September 8, 2013


So, I'm no massive fan of Taylor Swift, but the fact is that I turned 22 this week and I can't thing of a song more appropriate. Here are a few shots of my birthday outfit right before a lovely dinner + drinks with Jack =) (P.S. Please excuse the half-shut eyes in these shots!)

Nejsem zrovna největší fanoušek Taylor Swift, ale faktem je, že mi tento týden bylo 22, a nenapadá mě vhodnější písnička. Tady je pár fotek mého narozeninového ohozu, těsně před večeří s Jackem =) (P.S. Omluvte, prosím, ty napůl zavřené oči na těchto fotkách!)


Unknown said...

Love the white bday outfit :) Looks like you had a great bday!

ice pandora said...

Happy birthday c:
I hope you are having
a nice one! Love
the skort! Xx

Tereza {Drastic Plastic} said...

Happy B-day my friend!
Lovely look.

Spoonful Of Diamonds said...

well, happy birthday!!


Martina said...

mas naprosto dokonale epesni boty socho! a hrozne ti to slusi! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday dear! I wish you'll achieve everything you've wished for your 22th birthday! <3

Tanya said...

This was my birthday song, where did you buy the skort?