Tuesday, July 30, 2013


I often get people asking me to post before+after images of my more edited shots, so I thought I'd get ahead of the game on this one. Jack and I shot this a couple of days ago whilst the weather played up, making us run back and forth trying to save the camera from intermittent showers. I'm adding this to the Project 100 series, the rest of which you can view on Flickr. I haven't made tooo much progress since posting this, but hopefully I'll get a few more shots up soon!

Často se mě lidé ptají, jestli bych se mohla podělit o "před a po" u více upravených fotek, tak se tedy dělím. Toto jsme s Jackem fotili před pár dny při proměnlivém počasí, takže jsme běhali tam a zpátky a snažili se zachránit foťák před neustálými sprškami. Tuhle fotku přidávám do série Projektu 100, na zbytek se můžete mrknout na Flickru. Od tohoto článku jsem se moc neposunula, ale doufám, že to se brzy změní!


stephanie thy. said...

oh my goodness! this is magical!

Insanely It said...

wow!! So cool and magical and dreamy! :D

Anonymous said...

you continuously amazed me with your works!that photo took my breath away :') great job, Eliska <3

Jessica said...

So talented!

1 said...

You are amazingly talented. I hope you know that.

xx Mandy

Erin said...

Very cool! Always interesting to see the process that goes into creating an image!


Tay said...

Všechny fotky máš kouzelné, takže se přidávám k dychtivým čtenářkám :)

Marianne said...

These photos are so amazing! Magical:)

xx Marianne


Unknown said...

Oh my god! that first photo is absolutely astounding! brilliant!

<3 Kelly's Kouture

Unknown said...

I love your photo edits. Very inspirational!


Unknown said...

Awesome photos! you're very talented <3


blogablebeauty said...

woow, this is really amazing! maybe it's cus I'm cute basic when it comes to photoshop, but you are very very talented!!


ice pandora said...

One word: STUNNING!! XX

Unknown said...

So cool!!

Sweet Apple Lifestyle