A few little birthday surprises (i know, it was ages ago, get over it Eliska) from some lovely people <3 Helmut Newton's Pola Woman, a mug from Stockholm, Kiehl's cosmetics, a Kindle, theatre tickets and some deliciousness... =)
Pár malých narozeninových překvapení od zlatých lidí <3 Pola Woman od Helmuta Newtona, hrnek ze Stockholmu, kosmetika od Kiehl's, Kindle, lístky do divadla a nějaké dobroty...=)
Ohhhh happy birthday!
Love the presents c: Is
that a candle on that
huge muffin? NICE!
Awww that stuff looks awesome especially the food and kindle! :D
The bunting is so cool. Is it handmade?
What a fabulous haul of pressies. very jealous.
Sweet Apple Lifestyle
Happy Birthday <3 !
Closet Checklist
Happy birthday.
Birth day goods is so great!
is this handmade?
love that keihl's serum!
following :)
from helen at thelovecatsinc.com
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