Saturday, May 25, 2013


Forever 21 dress, H&M cardigan, Zara sunglasses

I'm finally getting through the last pictures from California (I apologise if these posts are getting a tad repetitive!), which has taken much too long! Life has been so busy recently with finishing up exams, travelling packing up my belongings in France and getting myself back over to England, where I am now happily planted with Jack and a whole summer to plan out =) I promise to post something a little more up to date very soon. (Please excuse the dodgy expressions on some of these shots!)

Konečně procházím posledními fotkami z Kalifornie (omlouvám se, jestli se tyto články už trošku opakují!), což mi trvalo příliš dlouho! Život byl v poslední době dost hektický - jsem neustále na cestách, právě jsem dodělala zkoušky, balila jsem si všechny věci ve Francii a nějak jsem se se vším dopracovala zpět do Anglie, kde teď jsem šťastně usazená s Jackem a začínám plánovat léto =) Slibuji, že sem brzy dám něco aktuálnějšího. (Prosím odpusťte ty podivné výrazy na některých z těchto fotek!)


Love and Ace said...

Gorgeous photos - looks like you had a great trip! x, Kat

Love and Ace

Unknown said...

I hope your exams went well :) I'm so envious, I'm still mid-way through mine!
Gorgeous summer dress :)
Flora x

Eleanor said...

oooh these photos are amazing.. looks like you had such a nice time! :)

Ladies in Navy said...

this is lovely! looks delicious
kw, ladies in navy
jewelry giveaway!

Camelia said...

I love the cactus photo! I live in San Diego and these photos are gorgeous, hope you had a good stay! :)

stephanie thy. said...

the coast looks amazing and the picture of the fried potatoes is making me drool

Unknown said...

I was just in california (sanfrancisco) last week too!! oh my goodness, what a BEAUTIFUL place. I love anywhere that is close to water :)
These are great photos, thanks for sharing!!

Kitsune-kun said...

this makes me so excited to go to california! I'm moving there in july:)

Anonymous said...

I've walked in the very place you took these pictures - so cool!! Love your dress.