Saturday, June 1, 2013


I took up the 365 project (a photo a day for a year) a few years ago and quickly realised that it was much too ambitious, especially on a busy work schedule and an inconsistent internet connection. As much as I would like to take some similar project up again, I know I'll be faced with the same problem come October, when I dive head-first into my final year at university. So I've come up with an alternative - 100 self-portraits before the end of summer. That should allow for enough time to improve photographically and creatively, but also cut me some slack for skipping days that are a tad too busy. Anyone care to join? If so, let me know =) I'll be posting mine here on flickr.

Před pár lety jsem zkusila projekt 365 (fotku denně po celý rok) a rychle jsem si uvědomila, že to bylo trovhu moc ambiciózní, obzvlášť s hektickým množstvím práce a tenkrát nespolehlivým internetovým spojením. Ač bych se ráda znovu pokusila o podobný projekt, vím, že by mě čekaly stejné problémy, jakmile bych se v říjnu po létě vrátila na poslední ročník univerzity. Tak jsem si vymyslela alternativu - 100 autoportrétů do konce léta. To by mělo být dostatečně času na to se zlepšit fotograficky i kreativně, a zároveň si budu moct odpustit pár příliš zaneprázdněných dnů. Chcete se přidat? Pokud ano, dejte mi vědět =) Fotky budu dávat na flickr.


Unknown said...

Eliska, these photos are I haven't seen anyone layer images like that - the second photo looks like you're seeing straight through the camera. It's kind of dream-like! I really really do like these, I'm looking forward to following this series. Will you post some on your blog for us? Or the odd link maybe? :)

Great idea.

Lauren said...

I would love to do a project like this, but knowing me I'd probably keep it up for a few weeks then slowly forget about it, or become to busy ): Good luck with it though, can't wait to see the results

KD said...

These photos are too tripy!

Adorable blog, dear! I'm following you now. Hope you can share the love back by following/visiting my blog too!

Much love from Canada~

Love and Ace said...

That's a great goal - and your photography is gorgeous. Looking forward to seeing more! x, Kat

Love and Ace

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and breath taking photos! I've never seen anything quite like those before. You're absolutely very talented!

anyway, good luck with the project dear :)

Unknown said...

Wow!I am amazing with the first photo!



Anonymous said...

that's a great idea! i've been facing same problem, and now i'm working on idea where i'll be doing at least 10 photoshoots before september (or something like that).

look forward to follow your work :-)

Netty said...

Nádherné fotky,vážně profi:))

Lindsey Louise Bales said...

your photographs are extremely wonderful, i love this project too. i need to start some sort of photo project in the future!

lindsey louise